segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009


Wednesday 9 de december 19 hs
in the Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas
Tucumán 3754 - Buenos Aires.

The changing of geo-political boundaries across continents, the unprecedented shifting of socio-cultural demographics produced by the ongoing explosion of urbanization across the world and the current economic crisis –everywhere- generate new conditions that call into question traditional methods of artistic and architectural intervention in the city. These intensified geo-economic and political dynamics begin to foreground once more the tensions between the formal and the informal, the top down totalizing institutions of land use and development at the scale of the metropolitan and bottom up agencies of social activism at the scale of the neighborhood.

Teddy Cruz’ work dwells at the border between San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico, where he has been developing a practice and pedagogy that emerge out of the particularities of this bicultural territory and the integration of theoretical research and design production. Teddy’ Cruz has been recognized internationally in collaboration with community-based nonprofit organizations such as Casa Familiar for its work on housing and its relationship to an urban policy more inclusive of social and cultural programs for the city. He obtained a Masters in Design Studies from Harvard University and the Rome Prize in Architecture from the American Academy in Rome. He has recently received the 2004-05 James Stirling Memorial Lecture On The City Prize and is currently an Associate Professor in public culture and urbanism in the Visual Arts Department at UCSD in San Diego.

EL CENTRO de Investigaciones Artísticas is a physical and virtual space of interaction and debate for artists and thinkers from around the world, particularly those in Latin America and Spain.
The purpose of el CENTRO is to provide critical tools for the formation and development of the artistic community in order to intervene in the constantly redefined cultural map of the moment. The work of el CENTRO goes beyond the frontiers of genres and disciplines, with an emphasis on those that expand the borders of practice, genre and media; those that propose new ways of production, of exhibition and exchange; those that explore broader social contexts than the institutionalized one.

El CENTRO de Investigaciones Artísticas is located at Tucumán 3754, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and in the web

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